Trump Secures New Hampshire Primary Victory

( – From a crowded field just a year ago, now there are only two—Donald Trump decisively won the New Hampshire Republican primary on January 23rd. He took 54.4 percent of the vote, beating competitor Nikki Haley’s 43.3 percent. With Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ending his campaign this week, that leaves only Haley up against Trump, and it appears all but certain that she will have to fold her tent, too.

It wasn’t certain for Trump going in. Some polls indicated Haley might pull off a win, but that hope is now dashed. Critics and fans alike are, for the most part, acknowledging the inevitability of Trump as the Republican Party’s nominee for President in 2024. Last week, he took more than 50 percent of the Iowa caucus votes, leaving both Haley and DeSantis in the dust.

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu may be regretting his recent prediction that Haley would win the state in a “landslide.”

Complicating the business of predictions was New Hampshire’s primary system. Voters can be “undeclared,” meaning they do not have to be registered as a members of a party. On entering the primary, they must choose either a Republican or Democratic ballot. Exit polls found that a surprising 70 percent of voters for Nikki Haley in Tuesday’s primary were not registered with the Republican party.

As is his usual practice, Trump mocked Haley’s loss with bombast, reminding voters that Haley had claimed she “had to win New Hampshire.” He added in some typical insults, calling the former UN Ambassador “delusional.”

Haley fired back, saying Trump “threw a temper tantrum” and “pitched a fit.” She said that indicates he is “feeling insecure”, and that he “should feel threatened.”

Trump has famously declined to participate in any of the conventional debates held before a presidential election, reasoning that his candidacy is secure and that he could only lose ground by showing up on stage.

Next up on the primary calendar is Nevada. Haley chose not to participate in the state’s caucuses, but to participate in its primary instead.

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