Police Label Church Stabbing a Terrorist Attack

(TargetDailyNews.com) – Australian police investigating an attack on the evening of April 15th have indicated their belief that the attack was motivated by terrorism and the suspect’s religious leanings. They’ve declined to indicate what the religious affiliation of the 16-year-old attacker is so far, however.

The juvenile approached the controversial bishop during a live sermon that was simultaneously being broadcast online and unleashed a torrent of stabbing blows in a split second. Congregants stepped in and restrained the young man until the authorities could arrive. A picture was taken of him smiling as he was being held down.

The attack quickly went viral among local residents as they watched the service online. In just a few hours, hundreds of residents were outside the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, a western suburb of Sydney.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was targeted in the attack, and Father Isaac Royel and others were also injured. Thankfully, no one was killed. Emmanuel is a popular and controversial religious icon who’s garnered millions of views of his sermons online.

The attack angered locals who then gathered outside the church. Many of them were demanding “biblical” or mob justice: some chants of “an eye for an eye” could be heard, and the crowd had violent exchanges with the police over their demands the suspect be handed over.

Ten police cars were damaged or destroyed, two officers suffered injuries, including one who had his jaw broken by a thrown brick. Police and paramedics isolated themselves inside the church with the suspect until backup and armored vehicles arrived, allowing them to safely transport the suspect to jail.

Local resident “Maria” told reporters with Guardian Australia that locals were incredibly angry after seeing the attack online. The carnage followed just days after a mentally disturbed man went on a stabbing spree, injuring over a dozen people and killing six in Bondi, Australia. Police are now discussing the possibility that the perpetrator of the Bondi attack targeted women, attributing the attack to mental illness or sexism rather than terrorism.

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